Thursday, September 11, 2014

Famine Is A True Sign of The End of Times

This post is about the End Times, and when we say end times we are talking about the things that should prove to us that the return of the Lord is at hand.  In Matthew 24:7 states '' for nation shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom and there shall be famines, and pestilences and earthquakes in divers places.

This Bible versus is very deep and it is to serve as a warning to the things we are experiencing in the World today.  The Country of East Africa, Arab Countries and Africa have all the same problem, a food shortage.  This food shortage is produce diseases and starvation in these hugh nations.  In July 19, 2014 the United Nation has declare famine in Somalia.  This famine in this country has always been an issue for several years before it was declare one by the United Nation.
In Somalia the famine has killed 260,000 people.

In February 01, 2014 food was needed for 3.7 million in South Sudan, these nations need food and there is enough food in the World for these people to be feed.  We are not looking like the bible said unto us, do unto other have you will have them do unto you.  The question that lays here " Am I My Brother Keeper?" 

When we have food and throw food away we need to think of the people that is dying for a lack of food.  Why will arm force prevent missionary or volunteers come and help these nation.  There is arm troops that fight and kill people that try to bring food into these nations.  The sign of these famines tell me that the time is at hand of the coming of the Lord.  This is not right and I know the Lord will come to clean up this land and these evil people will have to pay the price for their unrighteousness

Do you think Famine is a sign for the end times.

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