Friday, September 12, 2014

The End is coming so Repent and be Saved!

     This is one of the last blogs to be posted on this topic.  We have been covering Matthew 24: 4-14 just the part about the signs of the end times.  We have covered verses 4-12 and we will cover the good news about the end times.
     First good news is you do not have to see the end times from the point of view from the earth.  If you repent of your sins before this event happens and ask Jesus to come into your heart, then you will go to heaven during Rapture.  If you decide to wait and the Rapture happens then it will be harder during the end time but you can still be saved.  In Matthew 24: 13 Jesus tells us he who endures to the end will be saved.  This promises should give everybody hope that they can still go to heaven even at the end of times.  

     The second bit of good news at the end of times and the gospels have been preached to all nations then the end will come.  Once the Devil in chained up in hell then there will be one thousand years of peace with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

     Thank you for your time and hope you enjoyed our blogs and God Bless.   

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Signs of the End Times

     We have been talking, showing pictures, and a video about signs of the end times.  The time is not at hand but as you have been reading and watching in the news time is getting shorter.  We have been giving you snippets of the chapter and verses that we are using.  Here is the chapter and the verses in full.  We are reading out of Matthew Chapter 24 verses 4-14; and Jesus answered and said unto them( his disciples), "take heed that no one deceives you. 5 For many will come in My name, saying, 'I am the Christ', and will deceive many.  6 And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars.  See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.  7 For nations will rise against nation and kingdom and against kingdom.  And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places.  8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.
     9 Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you and you will be hated by all nations for My name sake.  10 And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another.  11 Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many.  12 And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.  13 But he who endures to the end shall be saved.  14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all nations, and then the end will come.
     The word here are written in red because Jesus is talking here.  He is tell his disciples what is to come in the future.  As you all have been reading our blog you can see some clear signs.  We have seen various places have earthquakes, tornado's, tsunami's,different types of diseases, and famine around the world.   Russia invaded Ukraine and the group called Isses took over Northern Iraq and other places.  North Korea and Iran are on the verge of having nuclear weapons and using them on other nations.  There are diseases like the Aids virus and now the ebola virus that in spreading through West Africa.  More to come in the next post.      
                                                      Famine Is A Sign of the End

Africa and East Africa is going through a rough time with a food storage.  The lack of food storage produce many diseases and malnutrition.  These diseases kill the children of this country.  The different organization try to get food to these nation and little villages but they have militant groups that will not allow volunteers in the regions to deliver the food.

The water is a storage, our living arraignments are so good in America and other nation, that we are throwing water on our head with this ALS Challenge that have took social media by storm.  I believe give the donation and that should be the challenge not to waste gallons of water.  Our motherland which is Africa and East Africa can use that water and effort to go towards their awareness in their country.  Plus you can still give to the ALS Challenge since the awareness have increase and the World know about it.

When countries ignore these things, it is an indication that the time is at hand because we do not love our brother and sister countries no more.  We must look at what is happening in East Africa, Africa and Arab Countries as a sign of the end of time.  What  you think, is starvation a sign of the end of times.

Famine Is A True Sign of The End of Times

This post is about the End Times, and when we say end times we are talking about the things that should prove to us that the return of the Lord is at hand.  In Matthew 24:7 states '' for nation shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom and there shall be famines, and pestilences and earthquakes in divers places.

This Bible versus is very deep and it is to serve as a warning to the things we are experiencing in the World today.  The Country of East Africa, Arab Countries and Africa have all the same problem, a food shortage.  This food shortage is produce diseases and starvation in these hugh nations.  In July 19, 2014 the United Nation has declare famine in Somalia.  This famine in this country has always been an issue for several years before it was declare one by the United Nation.
In Somalia the famine has killed 260,000 people.

In February 01, 2014 food was needed for 3.7 million in South Sudan, these nations need food and there is enough food in the World for these people to be feed.  We are not looking like the bible said unto us, do unto other have you will have them do unto you.  The question that lays here " Am I My Brother Keeper?" 

When we have food and throw food away we need to think of the people that is dying for a lack of food.  Why will arm force prevent missionary or volunteers come and help these nation.  There is arm troops that fight and kill people that try to bring food into these nations.  The sign of these famines tell me that the time is at hand of the coming of the Lord.  This is not right and I know the Lord will come to clean up this land and these evil people will have to pay the price for their unrighteousness

Do you think Famine is a sign for the end times.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


The sign of the times are at hand and moving upon us rapidly.  We need to take this time to evaluate ourselves and receive the Lord in our lives.  He stated in Matthew 24:7 “ and earthquakes in divers places.  Last month, my Daughter was in a earthquake for her first time in her life.  She called home and said she was scared.  She stated that she would rather deal with a hurricane than a earthquake.  I never been in one before, but in the United States, California is the hot spot for earthquakes.
The earth quake struck Northern California on August 24, 2014, posted pictures and stated this was the strongest earthquake in 25 years that hit the California region.  This injured 174 people, was a scale of 6.0.  If you do a research of earthquakes you will see that the time is at hand and The Lord is giving his people warning and a chance to get their walk with the Lord right.

Signs of the End of Times
Tornado and Whirlwind have ripped through this world, it has ripped up homes, schools and community and a blink of an eye.  These are signs of the end of times, and we have to beware of nature disasters that are not man made.  The Bible speak of these whirlwind and we have changed the names to Tornado's.  Do you think that these deadly tornado is a sign from the Lord. 

The word tornado does not appear in the Bible but there are verses that contain storms and etc…  I would like to think more about the versus that state the word whirlwind.  I think this is the word that the bible use for tornado.  This is a very powerful act that God use as a warning and could be use as the wrath of God.

In Jeremiah 23:19 see, the storm of the Lord will burst out in wrath, a whirlwind swirling down on the heads of the wicked. 

That versus represent today torandos and we have had them here in Alabama.  We had one hit last year in the historic district of mid-town and wipe out the oldest and largest school in Mobile County.  We also had a tornado to hit Tuscaloosa, which is better known as roll tide land.   These are very bad storms, and I looked at these as sign of the lord warning us of his returning to this World.

We all remember the Tornado that hit Joplin, Missouri it killed 116 people.  This tornado tied for the most deadliest on recorded after 61 years. That is when they started keeping track of these types of disasters.  This tornado left 14,000 people without power.  It was also ranked as an EF-4 with winds between 190 & 198 mph.

This is some deadly force of nature.  This nature can not be control or stop by man, only the lord can pull the plug to make it slow down or stop its destruction.  Do you really think these tornados are a sign from Lord informing of that the time is at hand?  Signs are always ahead of destruction.