Tuesday, September 9, 2014

The word tornado does not appear in the Bible but there are verses that contain storms and etc…  I would like to think more about the versus that state the word whirlwind.  I think this is the word that the bible use for tornado.  This is a very powerful act that God use as a warning and could be use as the wrath of God.

In Jeremiah 23:19 see, the storm of the Lord will burst out in wrath, a whirlwind swirling down on the heads of the wicked. 

That versus represent today torandos and we have had them here in Alabama.  We had one hit last year in the historic district of mid-town and wipe out the oldest and largest school in Mobile County.  We also had a tornado to hit Tuscaloosa, which is better known as roll tide land.   These are very bad storms, and I looked at these as sign of the lord warning us of his returning to this World.

We all remember the Tornado that hit Joplin, Missouri it killed 116 people.  This tornado tied for the most deadliest on recorded after 61 years. That is when they started keeping track of these types of disasters.  This tornado left 14,000 people without power.  It was also ranked as an EF-4 with winds between 190 & 198 mph.

This is some deadly force of nature.  This nature can not be control or stop by man, only the lord can pull the plug to make it slow down or stop its destruction.  Do you really think these tornados are a sign from Lord informing of that the time is at hand?  Signs are always ahead of destruction.


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